AML Layouts Native Ops

group aml_layout_native

Layout API for internal management of layouts.

#include <aml/layout/native.h>


void *aml_layout_deref_native(const struct aml_layout *layout, const size_t *coords)

Function for derefencing elements of a layout inside the library. Layout assumes data is always stored in AML_LAYOUT_ORDER_FORTRAN order. Coordinates provided by the library will match the same order, i.e last dimension first.

  • layout[in] An initialized layout.

  • coords[in] The coordinates on which to access data. The first coordinate should be the last dimensions and so on to the last, coordinate, last dimension.


A pointer to the dereferenced element on success.


NULL on failure with aml_errno set to the error reason.

int aml_layout_dims_native(const struct aml_layout *layout, size_t *dims)

Return the layout dimensions in the order they are actually stored in the library.

  • layout[in] An initialized layout.

  • dims[in] The non-NULL array of dimensions to fill. It is supposed to be large enough to contain ndims() elements.


AML_SUCCESS on success, else an AML error code.

int aml_layout_slice_native(const struct aml_layout *layout, struct aml_layout **reshaped_layout, const size_t *offsets, const size_t *dims, const size_t *strides)

Return a layout that is a subset of another layout. The number of elements to subset along each dimension must be compatible with offsets and strides. This function checks that the amount of elements along each dimensions of the slice actually fits in the original layout.

  • layout[in] An initialized layout.

  • reshaped_layout[out] a pointer where to store a newly allocated layout with the queried subset of the original layout on succes.

  • offsets[in] The index of the first element of the slice in each dimension.

  • dims[in] The number of elements of the slice along each dimension .

  • strides[in] The displacement (in number of elements) between elements of the slice.


AML_SUCCESS on success, else an AML error code (<0).