DMA Linux Implementation API

group aml_dma_linux

AML DMA engine implementation with with a FIFO request queue and a pool of threads.

This module implements AML dma abstraction for memory movements on host. DMA requests are posted to a FIFO queue. The queue is polled by a pool of threads executing them.

#include <aml/dma/linux.h>

See also

“AML Asynchronous work utils”



Request Flag of requests created but not returned to user that need to be destroyed.


Request Flag turned on when request is finished.


int aml_dma_linux_create(struct aml_dma **dma, const size_t num_threads)

Create a dma engine with a custom amount of workers.

  • dma[out] A pointer where to allocate the dma engine.

  • num_threads[in] The number of workers running the dma operations.


-AML_ENOMEM on error, exclusively caused when being out of memory.


AML_SUCCESS on success. On success, the created dma must be destroyed with aml_dma_linux_destroy().

int aml_dma_linux_destroy(struct aml_dma **dma)

Delete a linux dma created with aml_dma_linux_create().


dma[inout] A pointer where the dma engine has been allocated. The pointer content is set to NULL after deallocation.



void aml_dma_linux_exec_request(struct aml_task_in *input, struct aml_task_out *output)

The work item provided to the task scheduler. This function calls the operator in input with its arguments and stored the result error code in output.

  • input[in] A pointer to struct aml_dma_linux_task_in.

  • output[out] A pointer to an int where to store the result of the dma operator.

int aml_dma_linux_request_create(struct aml_dma_data *data, struct aml_dma_request **req, struct aml_layout *dest, struct aml_layout *src, aml_dma_operator op, void *op_arg)

The linux dma create_request() operator implementation. Creates a pointer struct aml_dma_linux_request stored in req.

int aml_dma_linux_request_wait(struct aml_dma_data *dma, struct aml_dma_request **req)

The linux dma wait_request() operator implementation.

  • dma[in] The dma engine where request has been posted.

  • req[in] A pointer to a struct aml_dma_linux_request.

int aml_dma_linux_barrier(struct aml_dma_data *dma)

The linux dma barrier() operator implementation.


The first failing request error code on error. Remaining requests are not waited.


AML_SUCCESS on success.

int aml_dma_linux_request_destroy(struct aml_dma_data *dma, struct aml_dma_request **req)

The linux dma destroy_request() operator implementation.

  • dma[in] unused.

  • req[in] A pointer to a struct aml_dma_linux_request. The pointer is set to NULL.

int aml_dma_linux_copy_1D(struct aml_layout *dst, const struct aml_layout *src, void *arg)

Linux DMA operator implementation: Use only with aml_dma_linux_request_create() or higher level aml_dma_async_copy_custom(). This copy operator is compatible only with:

  • This dma linux implementation,

  • Dense source and destination layouts of one dimension. Make a flat copy of contiguous bytes in between two layout raw pointers. The size of the byte stream is computed as the product of dimensions and element size.

See also


  • dst[out] The destination dense layout.

  • src[in] The source dense layout.

  • arg[in] Unused.

int aml_dma_linux_memcpy_op(struct aml_layout *dst, const struct aml_layout *src, void *arg)

Linux DMA operator implementation: Use only with aml_dma_linux_request_create() or higher level aml_dma_async_copy_custom(). Make a flat copy of contiguous bytes between two raw pointers. This dma operator casts input layout pointers into void* and assumes these are contiguous set of bytes to copy from src to dst in the linux memcpy() fashion.

  • dst[out] The destination (void*) of the copy casted into a struct aml_layout *.

  • src[in] The source (void*) of the copy casted into a struct aml_layout *.

  • arg[in] The size (size_t) of the copy casted into a void*.



int aml_dma_linux_copy_generic(struct aml_layout *dst, const struct aml_layout *src, void *arg)

Linux DMA operator implementation: Generic helper to copy from one layout to another.

  • dst[out] The destination layout.

  • src[in] The source layout.

  • arg[in] Ignored.




struct aml_dma *aml_dma_linux

Pre instantiated linux dma engine. The user may use this directly after a successful call to aml_init(). This pointer is not valid anymore after aml_finalize() is called.

struct aml_dma_ops aml_dma_linux_ops

The methods table of linux dma.

struct aml_dma_linux_data
#include <linux.h>

The dma data is simply a task scheduler.

struct aml_dma_linux_task_in
#include <linux.h>

The task input structure sent to the scheduler workers to perform the dma operator work.

struct aml_dma_linux_request
#include <linux.h>

The dma request implementation